Aim of the conference
This conference combines two conferences ISF-3 and ICARP2019, both of which follow the previous two conferences ISF-2 held in July 6-10, 2017 in UC San Diego, USA, and ICARP2017 held in March 2-5, 2017 in Kyoto, Japan. This conference will provide an excellent platform for presenting state-of-the-art results, discussions and exchange of ideas in all areas related to natural and artificial photosynthesis. Specifically, topics of interest include but are not limited to:
Artificial photosynthetic systems including water-oxidation, H2 production, and CO2 reduction
Molecular photocatalysts and semiconductor photocatalysts
Light-harvesting and photochemical charge separation
Mechanisms of natural photosynthesis
Biofuels from photosynthesis and biomass energy
Photoelectrochemistry and photobiology
This conference will be preceded by a two-days conference ISF-3 YOUNG (Nov. 19-20, 2019), organized and participated by young scientists and students in the above fields for the presentation, communication and exchange of ideas among the young scientists, to promote their researches and careers in the above and related fields.

Circular (PDF505KB)

ISF-3 Young Poster